Big boobed intern Sapphire Astrea is painfully shy which isn’t helped by the massive crush she has on her new boss, Erik. After making him a coffee, Sapphire heads back to her desk and can’t control her urges. She pulls open her blouse and with her panties pulled to the side, this insatiable intern pleasures her pussy! She breaks out a glass dildo and toys herself right on the desk when she hears Erik approaching. Sapphire rushes to the printing room but forgets her lingerie which is left strewn all over her desk! After Erik finds her office empty, apart from the lace garments he goes to find Sapphire and after some playful exchanges, this shy babe gets the courage to come onto her boss! Sapphire not only sucks Erik off in the printing room, but gets both her pussy and ass slammed hard by her boss’ big dick!
![[PornWorld] Sapphire Astrea (Timid Intern Sapphire Astrea Makes Her Move On Well Hung Boss / 02.01.2024)](